This week is National Ag Week, and today, March 22nd, 2022, is Ag Day.
Agriculture is the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, raising livestock, and in varying degrees preparation and marketing of the resulting products.
Ag Day is a way for associations, producers, universities, government agencies, corporations, and others across the United States to join together and recognize the contributions of Agriculture and everything that it provides.
Did you know that agricultural products make up almost everything we eat, use and wear daily?
Today, each American farmer feeds more than 165 people. Because of this, Agriculture brings affordable products and an essential role in maintaining a strong economy. American agriculture is evolving, and it deserves to be recognized. As the world population soars, there is an even greater demand for the food and fiber produced in the United States.
To keep agriculture on a growth trajectory, we encourage you to raise awareness of its importance and if you are looking for a new career opportunity, consider one in agriculture.
On behalf of the whole Cherry Central team Happy Ag Day. We are beyond proud to be part of this revolutionary industry.
Sources:,celebrated%20on%20March%2022%2C%202022 and